
Nocturnal Commissions: A macabre monster mystery!

Created by Jason McNamara

X-Files meets the Monster Squad when a werewolf, a vampire, and a zombie open a detective agency. A 36-page comic book epic!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Night Moves
about 4 years ago – Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 06:20:27 AM

Children of the night,

The stellar gents from The Awesome Comics Podcast recently had me on their show. We had a lively conversation about Nocturnal Commissions, my collaborations with Greg and self-publishing. 

 Listen at your own peril!

In other news, Nocturnal Commissions is at the printer! I've seen the proofs and the book looks fantastic!

I wanted to remind everyone here that YOU made this book happen. You chose to support independent creators and give them the means to create. That is a tremendous power and you have used it for good. 

Thank you again, for being our publishers, we commend your excellent taste!


Last call for surveys!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 02, 2020 at 07:48:03 PM

Stalkers of the night (and late afternoon),

We are sending Nocturnal Commissions to the printer next week and we still need some information from some of you. If you backed at the $27 or higher level I want to include your name AND twitter handle in the book. So, if you haven't already, please fill out the survey we sent out via backerkit. 

Greg and I have been lucky to receive some media attention for Nocturnal Commissions. We are very grateful that the following people took time out of their day to shine a light on our little monster book. 

-Nicole D’Andria interviewed Greg and I over at Comic Frontline. 

-Gabriel Hernandez reviewed Nocturnal Commissions for Monkeys Fighting Robots

-Backer Tony Esmond reviewed the book on his blog

In a world gone batshit, we appreciate every one helping to support the team and keep us afloat. It matters, it really does. 


Let's make a comic
about 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 07:15:32 PM

Thank you to everyone who has filled out their surveys. If you backed at the $27 or higher level, it's critical you fill the survey out by April 3rd. We want to include both your name and twitter handle in the finished book. I want everyone who reads Nocturnal Commissions in the future should to know what excellent tastes you had in the past!

As we settle into the new normal, I have been porting my professional practices over to an online space. The immediate benefit to this is that I can open my Continuing Education classes up to students anywhere in the world!

So, if you've ever wanted to write comics like a half-drunk ginger maniac, this is your big shot. I have a comic book scriptwriting course that starts on April 2nd. Thursday nights 6:30-9:30 PM PST

McNamara scriptwriting class

This course focuses on creating production-ready documents for comic books / graphic novels through instruction, peer review and one-on-one mentoring. Master the three-act structure, learn the difference between plot and theme, and the importance of the Heros Journey. With an emphasis on visual language, students will learn every step of script development by taking an idea and evolving it into a production-ready document.

Being trapped in the house for weeks on end has lead to some interesting culinary discoveries. I've been playing a game where I make a burrito out of the first three things I find in the cupboard. Gnocchi / Raisin / Sun Chip burrito was much better than it had any right to be. 

Glad to be on this adventure with you! 


Downloads and surveys!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 12:58:56 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Interesting Times
about 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 07:00:17 PM

By the end of my Wednesday night scriptwriting class, it was clear I wouldn't be meeting with my students in person again anytime soon. The updates were coming in too fast to pretend this was normal (Tom Hanks!). We read a few scripts, troubleshot some comic panel sequences, and talked about how a class conducted on Google Hangout could work.

On my way home last night I stopped at a grocery store to grab some coffee and saw 40+ people in each line and decided I could make do with tea. At home, my wife and I discussed how much food we had on hand, our budget, and if I still need to Lyft drive during the next few weekends to survive (I do). 

In the midst of this, I received a message from Kickstarter that our funds had cleared and would be headed our way in the next few days. Thankfully, Greg and I had completed 99% of the work on the book before we launched. Outside of some file wrangling, the book and rewards are ready to go to print. 

I will be sending out surveys soon via backerkit, if you have any questions about your pledge feel free to message me here.  

I do not anticipate current events interfering with our scheduled delivery date, but this is a fluid situation. If issues do arise with our third-party vendors, I will be transparent with our backers. The plan was to fly Greg up here to sign the books in May, but depending on the travel situation, that plan may also evolve.   

What I can tell you concretely is that Greg and I are committed to delivering for our backers and that we will never stop making art. He and I are both hard at work on our next projects and optimistic about the future. 

A renaissance of creativity has always followed times of darkness. 

This time will be no different. 

I'm grateful to be living in interesting times with adventurous company. 
